Addressing the Whisper Campaign - Dave for Vegas

Addressing the Whisper Campaign


I had always heard that politics was an area where people acted dirty and where “the gloves come off” when creating and distributing information about political candidates. Knowing this I was still disappointed, but not surprised, when several news organizations ran a negative PR story, one that has been fabricated and embellished, that was most likely fed to them by my ex-wife directly.

Unfortunately, these statements were built on the true trauma that other women have experienced, and that many have been brave enough to share in order to help shed light on horrible issues of domestic abuse, rape, and more. The #MeToo moment is critically important. Women have been oppressed, victimized, and underpaid for too long without full acknowledgment, and these injustices need to be rectified. With this being said, I am not one of these men that has controlled, objectified, or hurt the women in my life. My largest mistake regarding my troubled ex-wife was my poor decision to continue to be involved with her for far longer than I should have.

Although we are long divorced, I only wish her the best. I have chosen for some time to have zero communication with her. It is important to know that although she made heinous accusations against me, she was found, in court, to have fabricated her allegations and the court found her to be lying. I’ve never been convicted of any crime and the Metro Police Dept, after reviewing the facts surrounding her allegations, saw that there was no wrongdoing. 

Without judgement, I want to point out that I have spent almost 40 years working, 20 of which as a CEO in a highly visible work environment. Unfortunately my ex-wife has not been gainfully employed, besides a part time job a few years ago; she has also struggled with addiction and mental illness. I have been attacked for sharing this information about my ex-wife, but in order for me to shed light on these events, I need to share this truth. It’s unfortunate that Las Vegas Review Journal and the Nevada Current were able to be duped by her but I am appreciative of all of the people in both of our families, our mutual friends, and local professionals that have continued to stand by me as this story was covered by local media without the truth involved.

My ex-wife falsely accused me of domestic violence. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police saw this situation for what it was and did not pursue the charges. Unfortunately, The Nevada Current and Las Vegas Review-Journal were duped by her and chose to produce a damaging headline despite the facts. Here are a few:

  1. My ex-wife lied to the court and presented falsified evidence. I have never been found guilty of any crime.
  2. My first and current wife have spoken in support of me and each shared their perspective of me being a kind, caring and honorable man, with violence not a part of my character. My troubled second ex-wife has a long history of histrionic behaviors, lack of stable living, work, or relationships.
  3. I have been a working man for over 30 years, growing in publicly visible roles such as COO, CEO, and VP of multiple companies. My ex-wife has not had any employment for 5 years and supports herself by questionable means.

While I only wish the best for my ex, I appreciate the recent long history of healthy boundaries and hope she is able to achieve a state of mental peace to move on as well.

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