Dave Marlon receives endorsements from Veterans' Groups Forgotten Not Gone and Vets for Action - Dave for Vegas

Dave Marlon receives endorsements from Veterans’ Groups Forgotten Not Gone and Vets for Action

For Immediate Release
January 22, 2019
Contact: Jeff Haney
Office: (702) 385-7300


 Prominent veterans organizations throw their support behind Marlon in Las Vegas City Council Ward 1 campaign


Las Vegas — David Marlon, running for the Las Vegas City Council in Ward 1, earned the endorsements of two groups dedicated to assisting and improving the lives of U.S. military veterans.

Forgotten Not Gone and Vets For Action endorsed Marlon in his bid to win the City Council seat. 

“It is an honor and a privilege to receive the endorsements of two of the most important veterans’ organizations serving the Las Vegas community, Forgotten Not Gone and Vets For Action,” Marlon said. “Both groups work tirelessly to fulfill their sacred mission of helping our veterans and their families live their best lives.

“I am running for City Council because I want to serve our community by solving problems like homelessness and drug abuse. I applaud the hard work being done by Forgotten Not Gone and Vets For Action in helping our veteran community, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue partnering with them to achieve even more success.”

For more than 11 years, Marlon ran one of the nation’s largest and most successful rehabilitation centers right here in Las Vegas. His experience in the addiction and recovery field corresponds well with the missions of Forgotten Not Gone and Vets For Action. 

Forgotten Not Gone proactively fights veteran suicide by providing practical resources to meet veterans’ needs and preventing the negative effects that would incur from not having access to them. Vets For Action is dedicated to assisting local veterans and their spouses with disability benefits.

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