Issues - Dave for Vegas


Partisanship has gone too far in America. In order to move forward and keep our citizens safe, healthy, and productive members of society we need to end partisanship. My thoughts on the issues below cross party lines; here’s what both sides are doing right.



Homelessness is a local issue to Las Vegas, one that has become front and center since the past few years has seen revival and gentrification in many of our cities older areas. Homelessness, at its core, is interrelated with not just poverty, but mental illness and addiction. It affects all of us as health, social, and economic issues. Dave founded Vegas Stronger which is utilizes a unique strategy that brings the community together to focus on solving the complex problems that arise when people don’t have homes. The strategy includes prioritizing substance use disorder treatment and mental health treatment for individuals experiencing homelessness. The strategy also includes working with the community and first responders to stop giving people money or taking them to jail, and instead calling Vegas Stronger to come out and work directly with those experiencing homelessness to get them into longterm services that will move them off the street and acclimate them back into society. Jail overpopulation and homelessness are both mostly caused by substance use disorders. We need to improve access, duration and quality of mental and behavioral health treatment available to all Americans. Dave has a 30-year, proven background to successfully work with the Mayor, Council, and citizens to solve these issues. Vegas Stronger has partnerships with the city, state, and county and Police department.  Learn more about Dave’s approach to solving the homeless issue here.


Our community has an education crisis. No matter which side of the voting aisle you are on, all can see that our schools need proper funding and reasonable accommodations that will ensure our youngest population has access to top-notch resources. Sadly, a high percentage of Ward 1 students are considered “at risk” – some of these students are second language English learners, while others are struggling from poverty and homelessness; many are impacted by both. Per-pupil funding for our area is far too low and these scenarios need weighted funding, in addition to adequate funding for all students. The City of Las Vegas and the school district overlap on several programs to support our children. Dave supports these programs and is an outspoken advocate in supporting proper funding of our schools, our children, and our teachers. In addition to more funding, Dave advocates for a forensic audit in order to demand more accountability and more transparency from the current system. The Nevada legislature passed a $1.5 billion tax increase in 2015 to fund education, yet the average per-pupil funding in the City of Las Vegas schools did not materially change. This shows that there is a large problem that needs addressing and fixing. Learn more about Dave’s views on education here.

Energy and Environment

Energy for our city shouldn’t be a touchy, bipartisan subject. Our city and its citizens deserve to have sustainable, clean, renewable energy that will power our homes for years to come, without the possibility of hurting our environment. Dave is undoubtedly pro-renewable energy. Mayor Carolyn Goodman and the current City Council have taken great strides and have succeeded in leading Las Vegas to become the 1st city of its size in the nation to achieve 100% renewable energy for its city operations. While this is a strong step in the right direction, we need to be doing more. Dave’s experience in helping thousands of citizens get off dangerous, addictive chemicals will come in handy when he helps push for legislation that will help our city get off its dependency to fossil fuels. Part of the process of making sure that our city has the best is to make sure that we’re consulting with the brightest. Dave’s sister, Jennifer Marlon, Ph.D. and her husband lead Yale University’s Program on Climate Change Communication. Staying up to date on the latest science coming out of one of our nation’s leading academic facilities is part of the reason why I’m so passionate about making sure our city is prepped to not only do its part but to thrive during these upcoming decades of change. Learn more about Dave’s thoughts on Energy & Environment in Nevada.

Crime and Safety

No one should have to worry about their safety, or the safety of their family, in their neighborhood. We should all feel safe going to our local supermarkets, parks, and schools, and we should definitely feel safe in our homes. We need focused efforts NOW in dealing with the key factors the feed into local crime rates: homelessness, drug addiction, unemployment, and more. Violent crimes and burglaries should be dealt with swiftly and successfully by local law enforcement in order to protect our neighborhoods for the long term. Expanding police and law enforcement presence is key alongside technological assets such as cameras and updated training to protect our communities. Dave advocates for increased funding for local emergency responders and updated training to make sure that the department we trust with the protection of ourselves and our families is educated and prepared to prioritize saving the lives of those they come across. Part of Dave’s mission is to help eradicate homelessness and increase treatment for substance abuse, which will lower crime rates in our local area. Learn more about how Dave plans to address local crime & safety rates.

Development and Jobs

Dave supports the Mayor and members of the council to use redevelopment support to attract new businesses and new jobs to the city. Just as the council has worked with private businesses in the massive clean-up of Downtown Las Vegas, we can revitalize the empty shopping centers throughout town. Dave is Pro-Union, Apprenticeships, and Skilled Labor. It’s important that our residents earn a livable wage. Dave will always be an advocate for well-paying jobs and high-level training that help bring a high quality of life to families and the community. During his time as CEO, he has championed and supported equal pay, employee benefits and employee leave policies that provide for a happy and healthy workforce. Dave has been endorsed by the Operating Engineers and Laborers Union. We know from failure after failure that price and rent controls do not work. If you would like to decrease the cost of housing, then we need more housing units. Monopolies and oligopolies need to be stopped by the Department of Justice.

Fire and Rescue

We all want to know that when help is urgently needed, city fire & rescue teams are there for us. Dave knows from first-hand experience we have an excellent team at Las Vegas Fire & Rescue. Our City Department has one of the best records in the nation when it comes to saving people from heart attacks, which is America’s biggest killer. “I’ll support the working men and women of our fire department every step of the way because they provide a high level of safety and protection to each person and every home, business, and school in our city.”

Fiscal Responsibility

Dave is the only candidate with 20 years of experience managing and understanding a multi-million dollar budget – a budget even larger than the City of Las Vegas. His years as a successful CEO in private industry have prepared him to address complicated budgets and hold the line on municipal spending; prioritizing balanced budgets are the only way forward. The opposite of a regressive tax is a progressive tax, in which the average tax rate increases as the amount subject to taxation rises. Dave, alongside thousands of Las Vegans, pays a higher tax rate than the 400 richest Americans. We need an overhaul of our system.


Many residents are concerned that the infrastructure has not kept up with the rapid growth Las Vegas has experienced over the past decades. As your councilman, Dave will focus on connectivity, efficiency, and safety. He will ensure we repaint the bike lanes and will support alternative and public transportation as much as possible while working on improving bike and pedestrian safety.


Although we try our very best to provide for our families, sometimes we need some support to make sure mouths are fed. An issue close to Dave’s heart, our local families should not be overlooked simply because they are not on the street. Social programs should be funded for lower-income families and our senior citizens and veterans that do not have the ability to fully provide for themselves.

Abortion Rights

Dave is fundamentally for women’s rights on abortion to choose what they want to do with their bodies, especially in the cases of health issues or endangerment of the mother. In many cases, a woman may not even know that she is pregnant by 7 weeks. However, there needs to be a limit at around 15 weeks; outside of deadly health issues, a decision should be made when you’re in the second trimester.

Limited Government & Individual Freedom

Dave believes the government is the primary evil in our lives. The birth of our great nation was inspired by the bold declaration that our individual, God-given liberties should be preserved against government intrusion. Dave supports a limited government and the 2nd amendment. The government is too large and the only real way for America to become free again is to “starve the beast”. Consistently lower budgets of city, county, and state governments.

Inclusion & Equality

Dave supports gay marriage. Dave supports ending policies that marginalize communities. Dave is pro-inclusion for LGBTQ communities, migrant communities, Black communities, Latino communities, and other communities that have been left behind in some way by the American government. We are all Americans.


Dave believes in peace through strength. Humans attack each other often and horribly, as proven by history. A strong military to protect us is key, especially as the world continues to waver in how it addresses current challenges.


Post-Pandemic Thoughts

Las Vegas has a tourist-based economy – us having high infection rates impacts everyone, not just people around them, vulnerable populations, or healthcare workers. Dave believes it is city’s responsibility to provide free vaccines, and incentives to wear masks. Dave understands that conservatives want to fight any infringement on freedom, he respects it and thinks that’s beautiful – but he comes as a business man and economist by training. We’re all better if our economy is good. If we’re vaccinated and rates go down then we’ll all be better for it and we can continue to solve the real issues here. If there is a future pandemic, Dave will advocate for what will lower infection rates.



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